
Avoid The Need For Braces With Myobrace

Myobrace Therapy – Straight Teeth the Natural Way

Imagine being able to address your child’s tooth alignment BEFORE the need for braces. Myobrace Therapy is an early intervention treatment options for children that improves the underlying cause of “crooked teeth” to attain stable results. Myobrace helps the child…

  • Breathe through the nose
  • Correct tongue resting position
  • Swallow correctly
  • Keep the lips together
Find out what Myobrace can do for your child.
Call us at (07) 3544 7777 or book your FREE consultation online now.

Is Your Child Ready for Myobrace Therapy?

Our one-on-one consultations are perfect for determining the future of your child’s tooth alignment. A trained staff member will run you and your child through an informative presentation about Myobrace Therapy and how it all works. Then, one of our Dentists will check your child’s mouth to offer an opinion on the position of their teeth – such as: tooth alignment, crowding, arch development, jaw relationship and the muscle patterns. You will also receive:

  • Treatment options
  • Costs involved
  • All item numbers to check rebates with your health fund
  • Documents to prepare for the next step (X-ray & Medical forms)

What Does Myobrace Do?

Find Out More at a FREE Info Seminar

Dr David Betar & Dr Asad Jamil will look at your child’s teeth offer an opinion on the position of their teeth. Find out more about:

Learn more about this exciting alternative to braces!

Ensure A Future Of Straight Teeth Without Braces!

Call (07) 3544 7777

Certified Myobrace Therapy in Brisbane