Emergency Dentistry

Speak Directly To Brisbane best Dentist
From a broken tooth resulting from a sport-related impact to a sharp pain in your tooth, there are all types of dental emergencies that we see. At our warm and caring dental office, our compassionate and experienced team is available to address your concerns.
Fortitude Valley dental care offer same-day appointments
For your convenience, Fortitude Valley Dentist is open until 6:00pm on most days, allowing for some emergency dental treatment. For urgent cases, we are able to offer same-day emergency appointments. Just call our practice to discuss your concern with a member of our team, and we will be able to help you.
Do You Need Dental Treatment Straightaway?
Perhaps you’re wondering if your dental concern represents a real dental emergency. Here are some of the most common dental concerns that should be addressed as soon as possible:
- A severe toothache
- A broken or chipped tooth
- A knocked-out tooth
- Loose, defective or broken dentures
- Uncontrollable bleeding
- Painful swelling
- Injury to the jaw
If you’re suffering from any of the dental concerns listed above, it is highly recommended that you contact our practice (or another Dental Clinic) to discuss emergency treatment. If any of these oral health complications are left untreated, they can turn into more serious complications.
WARNING: If you are experiencing severe swelling of the face/jaw/throat, or restriction in jaw opening (i.e. you cannot open your mouth) – please go to your nearest Hospital Emergency Department.

Pain Relief As Quickly As Possible
Our top priority is to get you out of pain as quickly as possible. Even if you don’t have an appointment, it’s best to contact us immediately. No matter how full our schedule is, we will always make time for people who are in pain or experiencing a genuine dental emergency.
Ultimately, we want to help you feel back to normal again and once you’re comfortable you can decide what to do next.
Our top priority is to get you out of pain. When you’re comfortable we can assess the tooth to determine whether you need a simple, affordable treatment or whether something more complex is required. The cost of your care could range from an inexpensive filling to multi-visit therapies.
Yes. If you’re in pain and require emergency attention, we encourage you to contact us straightaway. Same-day appointments are available.
Naturally, not all dental emergencies can be avoided. There are, however, some steps you can take to help prevent dental emergencies. These include
- Wearing a professional, custom-fitted (vs. an over-the-counter) mouthguard when playing sport
- Avoiding using teeth to open packages, bottles or other items
- Never chewing ice or hard foods such as lollies
Some of the most frequent dental emergencies that we treat are related to broken teeth, falls from electric scooters, sudden tooth pain and infections caused by untreated tooth decay. If you suddenly have a fractured tooth or are experiencing a bout of pain, it’s important to contact us. Depending on the extent of treatment required, we may be able to repair your tooth on the same day.
One of the best ways to avoid a dental emergency is coming in for your biyearly maintenance visits. By doing so you, you can keep your teeth in optimal health.
If you’ve been putting up with discomfort or pain or any other type of dental emergency, we encourage you to contact Fortitude Valley Dentist today.
Interest Free Payment Plans Available
Or Pay For Your Treatment Using Your Superannuation

* Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.